  • 上海
  • 咨詢

shanghai perspective consulting(spc)is a recognised and reliableEXECutive search firm, established in chinain 2003.over the years we have developedsolid experience in recruiting for a wide range of industries andcan boast a network that spans the whole of china.

with 2 active local offices,inshanghaiandbeijing, we are well placed to provide a quality service to our clients through a team of 10 consultants and assistants. over the last 12 months we have successfully completed in excess of 100 assignments. 80% of our clients are from the us / european multinationals and the others are foreign joint venture companies

our team of consultants are all local talents and have developed a strong network and knowledge of the local market. they are able to fully utilize all resources in order to provide our customers with an effective and efficient response.

we see our role as a bridge between employers and employees. we provide insight and information to employers and one-on-one counseling to employees to ensure that they are aware of the company’s culture, organization structure and long term strategy. we find that this ensures for a long-term relationship between the two parties.

our strengths have been in the following areas: -

1. accounting and finance

2. engineering

3. production

4. marketing

5. supplier chain and logistic

6. sales

7. it (sap,erp and software developer)

our client base is predominantly from the following industries:-

1. automotive

2. engineering (mechanical \u0026 electrical)

3. media including publishing and advertising

4. petroleum-chemical

5. legal

6. international trading company

  • 成立日期 2003-06-06
  • 注冊資金 10萬人民幣
  • 法人代表 王雪紅
  • 中文名稱 上海創景管理咨詢有限公司
  • 英文名稱 Shanghai Chuangjing Management Consulting Co.,Ltd.
  • 公司人數 少于50人
  • 工商注冊號 310106000147094
  • 統一信用代碼 91310106751457335Y
  • 組織機構代碼 751457335
  • 經營狀態 存續
  • 該企業工商校驗數據由天眼查提供
  • 查看全部工商信息
    44.89K 月均工資
    • -- 對比去年
    • -- 對比同行
    • 188.47% 比同地區
    11 職位需求

    需求數/年份 數據表

    • 招聘地區分布:
      • 上海  100%
      • 本科  90.91%
      • 其他  9.09%

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