  • 肇慶
  • 電子/電子廠
肇慶顯達電子有限公司是美國ocular公司在中國投資的獨資企業,1995年成立,主要生產液晶顯示器、液晶顯示模塊、魚群探測器、觸摸屏、光貼合模塊、嵌入式平板電腦、及其它應用液晶顯示產品,產品主要出口至歐美市場,廣泛應用于各種儀器、儀表、醫療器械、家用電器以及交通、通訊等領域??蛻舭绹ㄓ秒姎?、德州儀器、ibm、杜邦、德國西門子等。公司發展已遠遠超越傳統液晶顯示業務,走高端產品路線,擬在中國建立全球研發中心,現有員工1200余人。公司成立至今,為當地經濟發展作出不可磨滅的貢獻,創造出巨大的社會效益,并分別獲得2006-2011年肇慶市外商投資企業先進單位和端州區委區政府年度納稅貢獻金獎、銀獎, 年進出口總值和納稅總額在肇慶市外資企業中排名前茅, 端州區排名前四。在2010年11月份,美國顯達電子公司被達拉斯政府評為增長速度最快的企業之一。
公司能設計、生產圖形及字符lcd 和lcm,并能按客戶的要求,定制特殊規格的產品,同時能odm、oem 各類使用lcd、lcm 產品的最終產品,并提供相應的售后服務。

a different philosophy… a different kind of company
ocular lcd, inc. headquartered in dallas, texas, is a leading supplier of touch panels and display products to the embedded technology industry. ocular’s innovative technologies enable equipment manufacturers to quickly bring to market product solutions with leading-edge, touch-enabled display capabilities.
in addition to its products, extensive technical knowledge and over 20 years of experience allows ocular to work closely with manufacturers to design display capabilities that meet the unique requirements of their applications, including the demands of extreme environments. ocular has a rich history of innovation and this spirit is part of the ocular culture and continues today with the development of many patented solutions in touch panel technology, lcd displays and display system ruggedization techniques.
ocular has an active partnership program that enables collaboration between the ocular research and development team and that of leading industry partners to broaden capabilities and maintain a high level of innovation and technology leadership.
ocular provides production realization services with custom displays and advanced touch interface panels. we have a long history of developing customized touch display solutions that meet each customer’s unique product requirements. the ocular design team is well versed in collaborating with customer design teams, assessing product specifications and designing a touch display solution that meets customer design criteria

ocular's main manufacturing facility is in zhaoqing (setup in 1995), which is a famous historical and cultural city (called duanzhou in ancient time) and national class tourist destination, highlights include seven star crags, mt. dinghu, city walls of song dynasty.

to join us is your choice. we welcome professional candidates to join us to CREATE and share the splendid future of the company. we provide 5 day working a week and the competitive compensation & benefits package to the right candidates.

聯 系 人:程小姐
電 話:(0758)2160918
電子郵箱:[email protected]
地 址:肇慶市端州區睦崗太和路18區

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