  • 合肥
  • 18.2W熱度
  • 新能源
陽光電源在自主創新和產業化方面的突出成績受到了社會各界的廣泛關注和贊譽。吳邦國、賈慶林、蔣正華等黨和國家領導人先后對公司表示親切關懷,并給予了充分肯定。公司先后榮獲“國家重點新產品”、國家發改委“技術進步優秀項目獎”、安徽省“115產業創新團隊”、“優秀民營科技企業”、“安徽著名商標”、“安徽十佳雇主”等榮譽;是國家博士后科研工作站設站企業、國家高技術產業化示范基地、省級企業技術中心、“省可再生能源電源工程(技術)研究中心”依托單位、安徽省 “產學研”聯合培養研究生基地、《福布斯》“2010中國潛力企業榜”百強企業、“中國新能源企業30強”。

sungrow power supply co., ltd. is a high-tech enterprise specialized in research, development, marketing and sales of renewable energy products especially for solar and wind power. the main products including inverter & converter for photovoltaic system, converter for mega-watt wind system, battery storage inverte. other than high quality products, sungrow also provides project consulting, system design, technical support, and other services to the whole project process.sungrow is one of the largest enterprises that research and produce photovoltaic power supply products and wind power converters. meanwhile, it also has its independent intellectual roperty rights with a number of core technologies. in july 2007, the company has successfully introduced foreign investment.

since the founding of sungrow in 1997, technical innovation has been the key motivation of the corporate development. in order to ensure the achievement of the technical development, not less than 10% of the yearly total sales revenue has been invested in r&d each year. sungrow has a strong, self-innovative and experienced r&d team consists of doctorate and master degree holders, specialized in renewable energy power supply technologies. during the past 10 years, sungrow has undertaken more than 10 major national scientific and technological project such as “the development and industrialization of the converters and control system for mw-level wind turbines", "mw-level grid-connected photovoltaic power station system” and other noticeable national study and research projects. up to this moment, sungrow has 8 nos. of research achievements awarded by national development department, more than 60 patents awarded and drafted 3 national standards.

while sungrow is developing and leading the inverter market in china, it has been exploiting the overseas markets aggressively recently. sungrow products have be installed for the china''s first pv power generation concession project--20mw demonstration project in dunhuang,the 30mw pv power station power plant in taiyang mountain of ningxia province,the shanghai hongqiao passenger station 6.7mw pv system,the beijing olympic bird nest, the three gorges project.the wind power project of dongfang corporation, the tongliao wind mill project, the wind power project of xemc, the national transferring power to villages project, the southern xinjiang railway project, the guangzhou baiyun airport project and other national projects. in addition, sungrow has awarded different international certifications: tüv, ce, etl, dk5940, saa, cec,golden sun and so on. headquartered in anhui, china, sungrow has expanded to europe with imminent plans in the us. its pv inverters have been installed in many pv power projects in italy, spain, belgium, germany, usa, canada, australia, south korea and other countries.

sungrow is undeniably the leading chinese vendor in the inverter market and is well-positioned in the ever-growing renewable energy market with proven competitive products. growing with the sun, sungrow has become a dynamic company with competitive r&d and design teams able to respond seamlessly to customer demands and implement product innovations as the industry advances.

as a leading specialist in inverter technology and material, sungrow is committed to research, development, manufacturing, and marketing of innovative and superb renewable energy products that meet and surpass international standards and customer demands worldwide. sungrow is also committed to social responsibility through energy conservation, reduction of greenhouse gas emission, environmental protection, and the promotion of public awareness.
  • 成立日期 2007-07-11
  • 注冊資金 145693.935萬人民幣
  • 法人代表 曹仁賢
  • 中文名稱 陽光電源股份有限公司
  • 英文名稱 Hefei Sunshine Power Supply Co.,Ltd.
  • 公司人數 1000-4999人
  • 工商注冊號 340000400000058
  • 統一信用代碼 913401001492097421
  • 組織機構代碼 149209742
  • 經營狀態 存續
  • 該企業工商校驗數據由天眼查提供
  • 查看全部工商信息
    11.38K 月均工資
    • -3.44% 對比去年
    • -- 對比同行
    • -19.64% 比同地區
    245 % 需求增長速度
    • 245% 2021年
    • 89% 2020年
    • 62% 2019年
    1950 職位需求

    需求數/年份 數據表


    • 招聘地區分布:
      • 合肥  93.7%
      • 南京  3.6%
      • 上海  2.3%
      • 濟南  0.4%
      • 本科  73.64%
      • 碩士  9.23%
      • 博士  0.15%
      • 其他  16.97%
    全部 上海 南京 杭州 成都 濟南 青島 昆明 哈爾濱 運城

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