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textile solutions. textile perfection. karl mayer's textile machinessomething which began almost 70 years ago in obertshausen has now become part of our everyday lives. textiles produced on karl mayer抯 machines surround us in both our private and professional lives, providing comfort, security and safety. the success story of karl mayer, the company set up by mr. karl mayer in 1937, began 10 years later with the production of tricot machines. nowadays, this family run, german company leads the world in the warp knitting machine sector, and karl mayer also sets the standard in the textile world in warp preparation equipment for warp knitting and weaving.the development of this textile world demands a global strategy: 慦orldwide customer-oriented?is one of karl mayer抯 most important objectives. in order to prosper in international markets, companies must think globally, and have a clear picture of their own strengths. a keen awareness of quality, expert engineering and innovative products are at the heart of karl mayer - and this is what makes our customers all over the world trust us completely.our joint success is based on this trust, together with the dialogue and close cooperation which we foster with our customers. this is why karl mayer supplies machines tailor-made to very specific requirements. this makes our clients more and more successful, and better equipped to face the future ?and it makes us experts in the textile chain.to meet this responsibility, we have extended our operations to other areas of textile production. our strategy of developing other commercial segments in the textile chain gives our customers the opportunity to grow with us and, at the same time, prepares us for future challenges.the concepts of 慺uture?and 憆esponsibility?go hand in hand at karl mayer. the development of new technologies, such as kamcos? are just as important here as furthering the careers of our employees and providing training for our clients since, as far as we are concerned, the best future lies with people and their ideas. karl mayer ?we care about your future.
7.35K 月均工資
  • 8.09% 對比去年
  • -48.14% 對比同行
  • -33.04% 比同地區
0 % 需求增長速度
  • 0% 2021年
  • 450% 2020年
  • 33% 2019年
33 職位需求

需求數/年份 數據表


  • 招聘地區分布:
    • 上海  100%
    • 本科  60.61%
    • 其他  39.39%

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