arup(shenzhen) 奧雅納(深圳)
  • 深圳
arup is a global firm of designers, engineers, planners and business consultants, providing a diverse range of professional services to clients around the world. we have more than 10,000 projects running at any one time and over 11,000 employees working in more than 90 offices in over 38 countries. we embrace diversity and inclusion in all aspects including individual differences and open-mindedness, encouraging research and development that is reflected the innovative solutions we derive and apply across our global portfolio of projects.arup has operated in china for more than 30 years and has worked on a wide range of projects including sport venues, skyscrapers, airports, bridges, highways and railways. we helped to conceive and realise the stunning designs of the canton tower, stonecutters bridge, hong kong-zhuhai-macao bridge and guangzhou-shenzhen-hong kong express rail link.we opened offices on the mainland extending from shenzhen to shanghai, beijing, chongqing, guangzhou, wuhan, and tianjin, bringing our staff members to over 500 on the mainland.奧雅納是一家集設計、工程、規劃和商業咨詢為一體的全球性公司,為世界各地客戶提供多樣化的專業服務。公司擁有1萬多名員工,分布在全球逾38個國家和地區的90多個分支機構。我們在全球持續保持10,000多個項目同時運營。我們推崇多元化的企業文化,主張員工個性化發展,鼓勵開展研發活動,以在全球項目中匯聚更多創新方案。奧雅納在中國開展業務已超過30年,參與過眾多知名項目,涉及體育場館、摩天大樓、機場、橋梁、高速公路和鐵路等領域。我們締造的最具影響力的標志性建筑包括廣州塔,昂船洲大橋,港珠澳大橋,廣深港高速鐵路等。我們陸續在中國大陸增設分支機構,從深圳擴展到上海、北京、重慶、廣州、武漢和天津?,F中國大陸擁有員工已超過500名。follow arup on weibo/請關注奧雅納微博
arup(shenzhen) 奧雅納(深圳)的排名
arup(shenzhen) 奧雅納(深圳)的工資
12.02K 月均工資
  • -- 對比去年
  • -- 對比同行
  • -20.58% 比同地區
arup(shenzhen) 奧雅納(深圳)的需求
42 職位需求

需求數/年份 數據表

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