  • 牡丹江
  • 2.2W熱度
  • 農業
中國·北味集團成立于2004年4月,公司位于黑龍江省海林市經濟技術開發區,是全國最大的以森林綠色資源為主,集種植、采摘、加工、銷售以及國際貿易于一體的農業產業化企業集團。公司現有員工1400余人, 7個食品廠,1個標準化生產基地,總投資近3億元人民幣,系“黑龍江省級農業產業化重點龍頭企業”、“全國重質量守信譽”單位。 founded in april 2004, beiwei group of china is located in the economic and technical development zone of hailin city in heilongjiang province. based on forest resource, it’s the largest agribusiness group in china that involves planting, picking, processing, selling and international trade. with its investment totals nearly rmb 300 million, the corporation now has more than 1400 staff members, and owns 7 food products factories and 1 standardized production base. it is awarded as the “heilongjiang provincial leading agribusiness enterprise” and the “national unit of quality and credibility”. 集團旗下現有北味、森林鳥、彤潤、齊鳴四大品牌,生產山珍菌菇類、糖果類、淀粉制品 、農產品、休閑食品、調味品6大系列300多種產品。其中數十款產品率先通過國家“綠色食品”認證、“有機食品”認證,“北味”品牌也相繼被評為“黑龍江省著名商標”及“中國名優品牌”。 beiwei group boasts four major brands, namely beiwei, senlinniao, tongrun and qiming, which produce 6 product series with over 300 products including truffles, candies, starch-based products, agricultural products, snack food and condiment. among them, scores of products have been authorized the state authentication of “green food” and “organic food”. the brand “beiwei” has been awarded as the “heilongjiang provincial brand” and “renowned brand of china” in succession. 把“營銷力”作為企業的核心競爭力,是北味集團領跑市場并快速成長的制勝法寶。集團在東北政治、文化、經濟中心沈陽市建立營銷總部,下設銷售分公司10余家,現有代理商200余家,銷售網絡遍布全國各個省市并出口日、韓、俄、澳及東南亞等國家,產品己覆蓋全國主要大型商超、農貿市場及大量的vip會員客戶群。 the key for beiwei group to lead the market and stay on the track of rapid growth is to take “marketing power” as its core competence. the headquarter of marketing and sales of beiwei group is established in shenyang, the political, cultural and economic center of northeast china. besides, it has over 10 sales branches and more than 200 agencies, which enables its sales network to cover cities and provinces all over china and foreign countries including japan, south korea, russia, australia, southeast asian countries and so on. its products are sold in the major supermarkets, open fairs all over china and reach a large number of vip customer groups.
  • 成立日期 2008-03-11
  • 注冊資金 13856.2236萬人民幣
  • 法人代表 齊振華
  • 中文名稱 黑龍江省北味菌業科技集團股份有限公司
  • 英文名稱 Heilongjiang Beiwei Bio-technology Group Co.,Ltd.
  • 公司人數 50-99人
  • 工商注冊號 231083100015733
  • 統一信用代碼 91231000669045331C
  • 組織機構代碼 669045331
  • 經營狀態 存續
  • 該企業工商校驗數據由天眼查提供
  • 查看全部工商信息
    3.79K 月均工資
    • -8.89% 對比去年
    • -- 對比同行
    • -64.09% 比同地區
    100 % 需求增長速度
    • 100% 2020年
    • 99% 2019年
    • 111% 2018年
    6 職位需求

    需求數/年份 數據表

    • 招聘地區分布:
      • 哈爾濱  40.5%
      • 上海  24.3%
      • 梅州  18.9%
      • 青島  13.5%
      • 寧波  2.7%
    全部 上海 梅州 青島 哈爾濱

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